The Best Companion Plants For Peas

Plump garden peas grow on a vine
Companions At-A-Glance
Find out how planting certain plants alongside peas can help them thrive and improve their taste. Discover tips and tricks for successful companion planting in your garden.

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When it comes to peas, having the right plant buddies can make a real difference! Companion planting is the art of matching up the right varieties of plants to grow near each other so both plants benefit from each other. And peas are a great option for companion planting! Not only do they benefit other plants around them, but the right companion plants nearby can actually increase yield, improve pea flavor, and keep pests at bay. Here are the best companion plants for peas that we’ve found in our gardens.

What are the best pea companion plants?

Garden peas can benefit from growing near most strongly aromatic herbs and flowers, like cilantro, mint, sage, thyme, oregano, parsley, borage, and marigold. These can help prevent aphids, spider mites, and other insect infestations in peas.

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Flowering herbs like mints and basil can also attract beneficial insects and pollinators, which will help reduce harmful pests garden-wide.

What benefits do peas provide when they are companion planted?

Peas are fantastic pals in the garden! They take nitrogen from the air and convert it into nitrogen in the soil (called nitrogen-fixing). This superpower makes them perfect buddies for smaller plants craving a nitrogen boost. Plus, they offer some cool shade with those tall vines. Vegetables like spinach, lettuce, carrots, and radishes totally dig hanging out under pea plants—they thrive together like the best of friends!

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Heavy feeders like cucumbers and tomatoes love being near nitrogen-fixing peas!

A collage image shows various companion plants for peas.
Due to their nitrogen-fixing abilities, peas are good companions to many garden plants.

What plants do I avoid planting near peas?

Avoid planting plants in the allium family (garlic, onions, leeks, chives, etc.) with peas. They can compete with one another for nutrients and cause root crowding. This will typically not impact the crop of the peas because the peas have a more expansive root systems, but might cause issues for shallow-rooted alliums. 

Top 10 Pea Companion Plants

  1. Radishes—Benefits from the shade and nitrogen from pea plants, helps loosen soil to benefit pea roots.
  2. Carrots—Benefits from the shade and nitrogen from pea plants, helps loosen soil to benefit pea roots.
  3. Lettuce—Benefits from the shade and nitrogen from pea plants.
  4. Spinach—Benefits from the shade and nitrogen from pea plants.
  5. Cilantro—Repels insects from peas.
  6. Marigold—Repels insects from peas.
  7. Sage—Repels insects from peas.
  8. Rosemary—Repels insects from peas.
  9. Thyme—Repels insects from peas.
  10. Mint—Repels insects from peas (plant in container to prevent spreading and place container near peas).

Other root vegetables (turnips, beets, and potatoes) and other aromatic herbs (like dill and basil) are also good companions for garden peas.

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Cassie is a Certified Master Gardener and the founder of Growfully. She's been gardening organically for over two decades, and she's so excited to answer all the questions you have about gardening!
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Hi! My name is Cassie.

I’m a Certified Master Gardener and founder of Growfully. I’ve been gardening organically for over two decades, and I’m so excited to answer all the questions you have about gardening!

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